A Fall / Winter Wardrobe Progress Update
It's been about 2 months since I first posted about my fall / winter wardrobe plans and in that time I've done a bit of sewing! I don't have any full finished outfits yet, but I thought I'd share where I'm at so far. There are a few outfits from my original plan that I haven't started anything on yet so I won't include those here. If you want to see the full plan, check out the original post here: Fall '17 Wardrobe Plans.
This outfit is coming along alright. I've made a muslin of the pants which I haven't photographed and I have the fabric for the actual pair. The cardigan is in progress, the back is complete and I've started on the fronts. The top is a bit of a sad story though. I apparently hadn't learned my lesson that I should purchase the fabrics I'm sharing before I post them because you all bought all the rose silk noil after reading the post! I'm now deciding on a backup plan for that fabric.
I finished the Exeter sweater in early December and have been wearing it a ton with the frigid cold temps we've been having. The plaid Archer fabric has been pre-washed and is ready to be cut, but I've yet to do anything on the jeans front. We'll see when that happens!
Made the Berlin Jacket and it turned out super cute! I might narrow the sleeves a bit if I were to make it again, but other than that it worked out great. Finally pre-washed the dress fabric and just need to cut and sew.
The Kochi Kimono has been completed, so basically it looks like I'm starting with all the cardigan style garments in this wardrobe plan. I used the silk noil from the original plan and it turned out pretty cute, though it did take a bit for me to get used to. Again I might narrow the sleeves on the next one if I make another. It definitely took some getting used to but I really like wearing it for work since I hate things around my wrists while working and the pockets are useful.
So that's where I'm at so far! I've made a few things that aren't in the plan as well because apparently I'm not stellar at sticking to a list. If you made a fall/winter plan, how's it coming along? Also I'm wondering, are you a seasonal planner or do you prefer something like the #2018makenine challenge where you plan out your year at once? I think I don't have the commitment level necessary to plan an entire year at once but I'm so curious what works for people!