A Fall / Winter Wardrobe Progress Update

It's been about 2 months since I first posted about my fall / winter wardrobe plans and in that time I've done a bit of sewing! I don't have any full finished outfits yet, but I thought I'd share where I'm at so far. There are a few outfits from my original plan that I haven't started anything on yet so I won't include those here. If you want to see the full plan, check out the original post here: Fall '17 Wardrobe Plans.

A Fall / Winter Wardrobe Progress Update | Grainline Studio

This outfit is coming along alright. I've made a muslin of the pants which I haven't photographed and I have the fabric for the actual pair. The cardigan is in progress, the back is complete and I've started on the fronts. The top is a bit of a sad story though. I apparently hadn't learned my lesson that I should purchase the fabrics I'm sharing before I post them because you all bought all the rose silk noil after reading the post! I'm now deciding on a backup plan for that fabric.

A Fall / Winter Wardrobe Progress Update | Grainline Studio

I finished the Exeter sweater in early December and have been wearing it a ton with the frigid cold temps we've been having. The plaid Archer fabric has been pre-washed and is ready to be cut, but I've yet to do anything on the jeans front. We'll see when that happens!

A Fall / Winter Wardrobe Progress Update | Grainline Studio

Made the Berlin Jacket and it turned out super cute! I might narrow the sleeves a bit if I were to make it again, but other than that it worked out great. Finally pre-washed the dress fabric and just need to cut and sew.

A Fall / Winter Wardrobe Progress Update | Grainline Studio

The Kochi Kimono has been completed, so basically it looks like I'm starting with all the cardigan style garments in this wardrobe plan. I used the silk noil from the original plan and it turned out pretty cute, though it did take a bit for me to get used to. Again I might narrow the sleeves on the next one if I make another. It definitely took some getting used to but I really like wearing it for work since I hate things around my wrists while working and the pockets are useful.

So that's where I'm at so far! I've made a few things that aren't in the plan as well because apparently I'm not stellar at sticking to a list. If you made a fall/winter plan, how's it coming along? Also I'm wondering, are you a seasonal planner or do you prefer something like the #2018makenine challenge where you plan out your year at once? I think I don't have the commitment level necessary to plan an entire year at once but I'm so curious what works for people!

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