An Oliver & S Guest Post
I've been so busy getting ready for the Archer Sew Along that I haven't found much time for posting this week, whoops! I thought I'd stop by to let you know that I did a little guest post over at the Oliver & S blog earlier this week with a bit more info about me. I know, I know, I have an entire blog about me, who cares right?! Well I still get emails asking about my history and whether or not I went to school for fashion and surprise from people when I reveal that I am actually a trained and working patternmaker so I thought I'd point you over there if you'd like a quick read on my background. I find it pretty awkward to talk about myself, weird because I have a blog, I know. The irony! I'll be back next week with some photographs of me wearing my Archer shirts (if you're lucky I'll show you my face, ha!), so I've got to scoot out the door to Julia's for our brunch / tea / photo / girl time session. Happy Friday Everyone!!