Fall '17 Wardrobe Plans (and a discount code!)

Fall '17 Sewing Plans | Grainline Studio

I had a hard time getting my Fall '17 wardrobe plans together this year. It's hard when what you love doing becomes your job, and after all these years the balance between work sewing and fun sewing is still something I struggle with. It's been such a busy year here behind the scenes that I almost felt like I didn't have the mental space to really plan anything out. Due to said behind the scenes work I also haven't had time to sew much for myself this year, so I really didn't want to pass up the opportunity to work out some sewing plans, and not planning means not sewing.

When I originally started thinking about what I wanted to make this season, I felt so overwhelmed with work that I had to really break things down and start simply with this Fall '17 Inspiration post. From there I laid out a few knitting plans in this post, and collected patterns from my friends that I've been wanting to sew since each of these came out. I then made a list in my notebook arranging outfits comprised of these lists and the following is what I came up with. I'm excited to have everything laid out so I don't have to choose what's next when I finally get a bit of time to sew for myself. Usually I can't figure out what to work on next because there are so many options so instead of sewing I just knit.

I've laid out 6 looks that I hope to accomplish this season, along with some extra credit because I'm nothing if not delusional about what one human can get done in a day!

Fall '17 Sewing Plans | Grainline Studio

Gus Cardigan I talked about this top in my knitting plans post already so I won't say too much but I think this cardigan will be a real workhorse in my wardrobe. I'm hoping I can get it finished relatively quickly since it's stockinet, but we'll see!

Hadley Top I've been wanting to make a Hadley using the high neck of View A combined with the straight back of View B for layering. I'll be making this one in a dreamy dusty silk noil from Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics and and don't worry, I'll do a post about what you need to do to combine these two views.

M7445 This is a new pants style for me! My plan is to pair View C with the two garments above so that I have some familiar shapes in the mix, kind of easing into them I guess. I've been meaning to make these since this summer but I've finally got them cut and muslined and I'm now thinking I need to switch up my fabric choice. I was going to use a cotton twill but I'm now thinking something a bit more flowy may be in order so fabric is TBD on these at the moment.

Fall '17 Sewing Plans | Grainline Studio

Exeter Cardigan This one I've been working on for a little over a month now and am working on the sleeves. I'm using Quince and Co. Owl in Bog and you can see my progress so far on my personal IG account. This cardigan is going to be amazing for layering, which I need since in 1919 insulation wasn't really a thing.

Archer Button Up I'll be making View A with the straight cuffs from View B. It's sadly been a while since I've had time to make any Archers for myself and since they're one of my most worn garment the ones I have are not in great shape. I purchased a super cute plaid from Imagine Gnats and can't wait to get this one going!

Safran Jeans Pretty excited about this one. I've never used a Deer & Doe pattern before but I've been wanting to for a while! I've heard such great things about this pattern I'm diving in. I'll be using some Cone Mills denim purchased from Fancy Tiger a million years ago. So jazzed.

Fall '17 Sewing Plans | Grainline Studio

Berlin Jacket This cutie from Tessuti will be made up in a perfect rusty brick boiled wool from Stonemountain. It gets pretty chilly at work in the winter between when the radiators kick off and on, so I feel like this could potentially end up living there.

Lark Dress I actually don't own one of these yet, despite having a million of them at work. The plan is to make a long sleeved, A-line, shorter version with either a scoop or boat neck. Undecided on that point yet but I'm thinking about this charcoal tiny rib jersey from Blackbird Fabrics.

Fall '17 Sewing Plans | Grainline Studio

Farrow Dress Because you can never have enough Farrow dresses! Actually I only have 2, a linen summer version and a wool/cotton blend winter version. I'd really like to have a more flowy winter version to wear with tights and ankle boots. I'm waiting on swatches of two fabrics from Stonemountain.

Fall '17 Sewing Plans | Grainline Studio

Kochi Jacket I'll be making view 3, though I may add pockets, not sure yet. This will be a deep blue silk noil affair which will be breathable, soft, and warm. I have a few tops I can imagine layering it with already.

Willow Tank I drew this with a Hadley in the photo but while putting this together I changed my mind once I decided which fabric to use. I can't find a link to what I'm planning, but it's Liberty Lawn and the pattern is called Alma. I'll be wearing my RTW jeans with this outfit since it seems quite hard finding true black denim, plus I love the fit of my favorite jeans!

Fall '17 Sewing Plans | Grainline Studio

Winter Coat The pattern is forthcoming on this one, but it's the same as this navy blue coat I made for my wedding and have worn nonstop every cold day since. The fabric is a wool/cashmere blend I picked up at Mood when I was in NYC, and I'll most likely be lining it with a grey bemberg.

Hadley Top Same as the first Hadley above, view A front with view B back...as long as my first one turns out great that is! I'll be using the Stonemountain silk noil again but in the same white I used for the Hadley sample. I'll pair this look with either my Safran jeans or my RTW ones. Honestly I'm sure it the coat will be paired with everything, but for the sake of the outfit we'll say those.

So that's what I'm planning for this season! I have a few extra credit garments if things go super well for me (remember when I said I was delusional?) but we'll discuss those later. I love all the discussion going on in the comments lately so fill me in. Have you made a sewing plan for fall? If so what's on it? Also fill us in on any hot fabric tips for the season!

Speaking of hot fabric tips, lets talk about that discount I mentioned in the post title. You may have noticed all the Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics links in this post, well they're solidly crushing the natural fabrics in fall/70's inspired colors scene right now and I can't seem to stop ordering from them. Seriously, it's a problem right now. Lauren from Stonemountain and I have been going back and forth on colors and drape and she kindly offered a discount code for our readers. If you enter GRAINLINE15 at checkout you'll receive 15% off your order. Coupon expires November 30th at 11:59 PST. Time to snatch up allllllll the silk noil and boiled wool...and maybe a pattern or two also!

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