Summer of Basics: Ludlow Scarf
Ludlow Scarf Ravelry Project Link
Pattern: Ludlow by Julie Hoover for Brooklyn Tweed
Yarn: Brooklyn Tweed Loft in Fossil
Sweater & Jeans: Madewell
Shoes: Dieppa Restrepo
Completely eschewing my original plans, my second garment for the Summer of Basics Make-Along was this super snuggly Ludlow Scarf! I'd had this pattern in my knitting queue since it came out in Fall about a making delay! I think I had it in my head that it would take me forever to finish being such a large piece of fabric when in reality it took just under 6 weeks to knit, block and finish. Funny what your brain can come up with to psych yourself out of a project. Did I really think this was going to take longer than Stonecutter or Hawser? Somehow I did.
Knitting this scarf was pretty straightforward. I used the recommended yarn, Brooklyn Tweed Loft, held double. It took me a full repeat of the arrows and diamonds pattern to really get a good handle on the stitch pattern. I realized about 1/3 of the way through the scarf that I had one stitch out of place but rather than laddering down a few hundred rows I decided nobody would ever notice, myself included. I'm trying to spend less time immediately pointing out what I've done wrong and more time trying to enjoy what I've done right, and this scarf, by all other standards, is very very right! It's hard but you've got to start somewhere I guess.
Knitting a wool scarf during the hottest part of summer was a bit intense to say the least. Usually my summer knitting is restricted to hats and sweaters knit in pieces, not a 6' scarf! Sweating through my crazy humid trip to Pittsburgh to visit my sister with this in tow will definitely be worth it when the temperatures start to drop. At the time I think everyone was questioning my sanity though. It's been years since I've had a handknit scarf so I'm really looking forward to wearing this with my favorite navy blue coat.
Despite the heat I really enjoyed working on this scarf. The pattern was simple enough that I could talk with others while knitting, but involved enough that I was never bored. The Loft held double results in a super drapey yet lightweight and warm scarf. I love that it can double as a shawl while I'm at my desk in the winter too. I would definitely recommend this pattern to others! I'm so glad I had the Summer of Basics challenge to get myself in gear on this as I know it's going to be getting a ton of wear very soon. So that's Summer of Basics piece #2, I'll be back Thursday with the final piece of my 3 basics as well as how I combined them all into an outfit!