Winter '15 Wardrobe Plans

Winter '15 Wardrobe Plans | Grainline Studio

A little bit back I posted on some of my Winter /14 Wardrobe inspiration and I've slowly been working on some garments inspired by the things I want to see in my wardrobe. I drew up a few pages of sketches to guide me through the process and thought I would share a few before my first Winter '15 Wardrobe post! The above photo features two sweaters, one I've finished, Bellows, and the other I've started on. I'm excited that I've had a little time to knit so I can add some hand knit sweaters into the rotation. In addition to sweaters, I'd like to add some knit shells for layering as well as pants / jeans and I really need another Moss skirt so bad!

Winter '15 Wardrobe Plans | Grainline Studio

I've basically stopped wearing dresses but I'm going to make a few up in loose shapes and try to incorporate them into my wardrobe. I want a nice shift, a crepe de chine Archer / Alder, and I've got some ponte all washed and ready for a Marianne dress! I'd like to add a few garments designed by my friends into my closet this year and I think Christine is the perfect place to start, seriously she had me in mind with that pattern!

Winter '15 Wardrobe Plans | Grainline Studio

The past few months I've been doing yoga in an attempt to get myself running again (a bit of sciatica from my old pal L5 put a stop to things for a while but I just started back on the treadmill!) and I've noticed that there's something I don't like or would change about almost everything I wear to class. I'd like to design some new basics as well as alter some existing patterns to make things I love. First on the list are some racer back tanks and cropped Hemlocks!

I don't usually draw out what I'm planning on making, I'm much more of a list maker, but I thought it might help me get my thoughts more in order on this project. So far it's working well! There are many more garments I plan on adding over the year, including coats, bras, blazers, etc. but these are first on my agenda. What kinds of garments do you want to add to your wardrobe this year? Do you sketch out your plans? I'm also going to try to do a little bit of personal sewing each week in an attempt to keep things fun and take a break from business sewing.

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