Where I've Been Hiding

Grainline Studio | Life Lately

Nothing new to show today, but I needed to get back into blogging somehow and this seemed like the best way. This flu or whatever that's been going around grabbed on, turned itself into bronchitis, and now just won't let go! After 4 weeks I am still coughing, omg when will it stop?! Anyway, since I last checked in, besides getting sick, I've been watching a lot of Olympics & knitting, teaching pattern grading over at Columbia, got interviewed for Marketplace (no air date yet but I'll post when I get one), and eating delicious vegetarian takeout in the hopes of getting healthy again someday. HA!

Grainline Studio | Life Lately

Above we have a late night hair braid-off, Roamy helping me with my taxes, a very very frozen Lake Michigan from when I was down at WBEZ, and some tool knolling. ALWAYS BE KNOLLING GUYS!!

I've had to reconfigure some of my Grainline Studio plans since getting sick, I still get crazy tired after a moderate amount of activity and I injured a rib pretty badly coughing last week. I *might* have been stuck on the floor at some point and couldn't get up, even with help, and it WAS really funny even at the time so feel free to giggle at that mental image. I definitely am! Anyway plans were scrapped and plans were remade and hopefully things come together. Soooooo we'll see what the future brings!

Also, if you want to watch the rest of the Tom Sachs 10 Bullets here's the link. Words to work by. 4real.

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