Uniform Sew-Along: Gathering Supplies
As part of our Uniform Make-Along I’ll be sewing my tunic here on the blog with you all. The first step in any successful project is gathering your supplies. Here you’ll see everything I use to make the Uniform Tunic.
1. Uniform Pattern: You can purchase the Adult Uniform here and the Little Uniform here [The Little Uniform is no longer available as the book is now out of print].
2. Fabric: I’m using this awesome Robert Kaufman Limerick Linen in Charcoal. If you’re on the fence about what to use for your top, check out our prior post about fabric choices.
3. Thread: I prefer to use standard poly thread for my garments. I like poly because I pre-treat my fabrics and I know that poly won’t shrink when laundered, keeping my seams nice and neat. Try to use high quality thread as it’s kinder to your machine.
4. Fusible Interfacing: You’ll want either a woven or tricot fusible interfacing in approximately the same weight as the fabric you’re using. Avoid bonded interfacings as they lack the drape necessary to produce a professional looking garment you’ll want to wear.
5. Marking Chalk: You’ll need chalk or your favorite removable marking pen to both trace out your pattern as well as trace your quilting lines onto your pattern. This is my favorite chalk tracing pen, but use whatever works for you!
6. Pins: Whatever pins you usually use will be just fine for this as long as they correspond with your fabric choice. For example if you’re using silk or rayon, you might want to opt for extra-fine satin pins as they’re a bit slimmer than dressmaker’s pins. If you’re into to cute pins, these Clover Glass Head Pins are our new favorites around the studio. They’re so fine and sharp!
7. Regular Machine Foot: I love my 1/4″ foot (which BERNINA calls the Patchwork Foot) because of the accuracy it provides but I recommend using whatever you’re used to. You may also want an edgestitching foot which looks like this for all the understitching.
8. Scissors: I’m not much of a rotary person, but the scissors I find most useful for almost every project I make are my Gingher bent handle shears, embroidery scissors, and thread snips. I couldn’t sew without them.
9. Rulers: You’ll need a tape measure to take your measurements as well as lay out your pattern pieces for cutting. We also like to have an 18″ gridded ruler handy as well as a seam gauge for pressing up your hems.
10. Ham & Sleeve Roll: I highly recommend having these on hand for your pressing. The ham will be useful while pressing your darts and if you're making the sleeved Uniform you'll definitely want a sleeve roll! I have this ham and sleeve roll by Dritz.
So that’s about it for supplies, next up we’ll talk about sizing. If you have any supply questions just let us know in the comments below!