Tamarack Progress Update: Week 01

Hi everyone! It's time for our week 1 Tamarack Society check-in! Today I'm going to show you what Lexi and I have been up to on our Tamaracks, and I'd love to hear how yours are going in the comments. I've been seeing so many awesome plans and progress photos on Instagram, you all are making me even more excited about finishing mine!

Lets start with Lexi's Tamarack:

Tamarack Society Sew-Along | Grainline Studio

Lexi has made a few Tamaracks for work, but none for herself yet! For hers she's starting with a vintage inspired fabric and lengthening the pattern by 10" to make a longer version of the original jacket. She's deep in the quilting phase at this point as you may have seen in our last Tamarack post about quilting ideas or on Instagram yesterday.

Tamarack Society Sew-Along | Grainline Studio

You can see how amazing her quilting is looking here. She's just about finished and ready to put the welts in which she's going to do in the solid lining color. I'm so into how Lexi's jacket is turning out and it's really fun to watch the quilting come to life!

Tamarack Society Sew-Along | Grainline Studio

This is my progress so far, I've altered the pattern to be slightly more like the silhouette of the Isabel Marant coat I'm using as my inspiration. The original coat has a unique underarm that I'm skipping, but you can see what I mean here.

Tamarack Society Sew-Along | Grainline Studio

After I posted the muslin in our Instagram stories lot of you have asked what pattern adjustments I did to get to this silhouette. As you can see above, I first lengthened the body of the pattern by 10" just as Lexi did to hers. I then split the body along the low waist and spread the top and bottom pieces to create a bit of a cocoon shape. Next I increased the center front overlap to create more of a double breasted situation and dropped the front neck slightly. The shoulders on the Tamarack are already slightly dropped so I increased that by about an inch. My final step was to widen the sleeve by 1.5" which I did by adding to the cuff edge and extending that straight up to blend with the bicep area of the sleeve.

Tamarack Society Sew-Along | Grainline Studio

This jacket has a TON of quilting so I'm debating making it up in this pre-quilted fabric left over from when we were originally developing the Tamarack pattern. I'd hate to get all that quilting done and wish I'd adjusted something slightly! We'll see how I'm feeling this weekend about coming into work, that'll be the deciding factor on whether or not I sew up a tester or just dive into the real thing! So that's it for our first week check in, how are your Tamarack Jackets going?

Tamarack Society Sew-Along | Grainline StudioTamarack Society Sew-Along | Grainline Studio
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