spring dream

spring dream | grainline studio

Okay so I know mid-February is pretty early to be thinking about spring, but with all the warm weather we've been getting this winter, it's pretty hard not to think about it. I've been really into these Equipment blouses and would love to work something like this into my wardrobe. A few plainer versions as well too because people tell me you can never have too many button down shirts? I really really need to get new sandals this summer and these Steven Allan sandals (or something similar) would solve that problem excellently. Another plan for spring is to try to accessorize more, I'm pretty basic about that, always wear the same two rings and if I'm feeling extra crazy, maybe a necklace. Maybe. I'm hoping to add a watch and a few other jewelry items to my closet soon. Of course I've been stalking the new Essie collection as well, there are 2 colors that I definitely need to have.

I'm considering doing a personal spring wardrobe project similar to my fall project, only perhaps a bit more structured this time, maybe think it over a little more than last time. I literally came up with the idea, made the sketches, and posted about it in one day. Not the best course of action on that. Lizz over at A Good Wardrobe just started planning out her Spring 12 Challenge and it's really making me want to get something together. I've got a ton of projects on my plate right now including a wedding dress for a friend, so maybe I'll give myself till the first week or two of March to figure it out. Is anyone else working out a spring wardrobe? I love checking out what people are planning!

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