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Scout Knit Tee

Grainline Studio | Scout Knit Tee

From time to time I get an email asking about making up the Scout Woven Tee in a knit fabric. I've seen a few people do it around the internet but having not tried it myself all I could do was refer them to one of the blogs that had done it and hope for the best. A few weeks ago I decided to remedy this problem and make up a few knit Scouts myself and I have to say, I seriously love them.

Grainline Studio | Scout Knit Tee

I ordered three weights of knit from Mood so I could get an idea of what the Scout would look like in a variety of knits and show you guys as well! This first Scout is a lightweight rayon/lycra blend with amazing drape. I'd compare this weight of fabric to what some brands like to call a tissue tee. The resulting top is very slouchy and has the perfect amount of ease, drape, and movement that I like in a knit top. I've been wearing this one a TON in the hot & humid weather we've been having lately in Chicago.

Grainline Studio | Scout Knit Tee

Next I tried a slightly heaver cotton/lycra blend which is probably the most similar to a traditional t-shirt weight of the three I've tried. I'd say this is my least favorite of the three based on the weight alone, though it's currently my third favorite t-shirt so that's still ranking pretty high in my closet. Much like the lightweight Scout, this one has really great drape but is slightly more structured. Also I hope you guys enjoy my "cat is about to destroy something" face in that second photo. Why do they think this is always the time to get into trouble?

Grainline Studio | Scout Knit Tee

This Scout was the heaviest fabric I made up, 100% cotton, and chose to test out the Full Back Adjustment I blogged about when the original pattern came out. I love the swingy back on this one which happened to be really hard to photograph. I don't think I'd recommend the fuller back on a lighter weight knit as it will just collapse, but on something similar to this I love it!

Grainline Studio | Scout Knit Tee

All in all I'd call the knit Scout a resounding success! I don't have any tutorials at the moment on how I sewed these tops as I was testing out a variety of techniques to see what I like the best before I recommend anything, but look for a post on that in the future. The order of operations for the top is also slightly different than sewing it in a woven, as is the pattern piece for the neckband. Rather than cutting the binding on the bias, you'll want to cut it on the cross-grain at a length approximately 2/3 as long as the neckline depending on the stretch of your knit.

Now, since I know you're going to ask, here are the links to everything in this post...

Scout Tee Pattern

Scout 1 Fabric | Rayon Lycra Jersey Solid from Mood Fabrics Necklace | Scalloped Necklace from Native Clutter

Scout 2 Fabric | Cotton Lycra Jersey Stripe from Mood Necklace | My Embroidery Scissors on a Cord (keepin' it classy)

Scout 3 Fabric | Cotton Jersey Stripe from Mood Necklace | Harvest Moon Necklace from Cursive

My shoes are from Madewell but they're sold out so no link. Srry!

Mentioned Products

  • Scout Tee 0 – 18
    Scout Tee | Grainline Studio