Progress Report | A New Winter Coat

 Progress Report | A New Winter Coat | Grainline Studio

We've experienced a bit of a cold snap here in Chicago so I decided to pull out the coat that I started *cough* last January *cough* and try to finish that beast up. I pulled it out of the bag and literally stared at it for about 30 minutes trying to figure out what the heck I was doing and what the next step was. I eventually decided that the next step was taking out the Thinsulate I was interlining the coat with. If I had to be honest with myself, which I did, it was just too bulky and I knew I wasn't going to wear it even it it was the warmest coat on the planet. It doesn't matter how cute or warm the coat will end up if I'm going to feel awkward / like the Michelin man in it I'm not going to wear it. This post is also about something else though...

 Progress Report | A New Winter Coat | Grainline Studio

Hi, my name is Jen and I am addicted to starting projects. I love finishing projects and getting lots of use from them, but starting them is my all time fav. So many ideas and I want to work on them all right now all the time! My intern Maggie and I just made each other a challenge yesterday, we are giving ourselves a week to complete our winter coats and if we both have them done by Wednesday we are taking the day off to celebrate the holidays by doing a winter coat photoshoot, stopping at Davids Tea and whatever else we feel like doing. Here's my question for you, am I the only one with this starting things obsession? There must be others, please tell me I'm not alone!!!

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