Cortland Trench Now Available In Sizes 14-32

On Overcoming Sewing Dread

Grainline Studio | On Sewing Dread

I'm not sure when it happened exactly, but sometime over the past few months I realized that there isn't much I dread about sewing anymore. You know what I mean by dread, those things you are loath to do - setting sleeves, putting in a sleeve placket, bias binding silk, buttons and buttonholes, attaching a collar etc. At one point or another in my sewing career I dreaded all of those things and more and being a perfectionist didn't help things.

I first learned to sew 20 years ago but didn't really get career serious about it until 2006 when I went back to school for fashion. I'm sure all those garment construction classes helped, as did my patternmaking jobs, but I think what really did it was sewing endless repetitive garments for hound and now here with my patterns. I'm currently making my 11th Archer in actual fabric (I also made a few during pattern development as well as 10 while testing all the pattern sizes in muslin) and it's amazing how fast one comes together now. I remember a few years ago, sitting at my sewing machine, just dreading setting a sleeve. Now, sleeves? Whatever. It's a really weird feeling and I've been thinking about this a lot lately as I sew.

I have absolutely no idea where I'm going with this post, just something I've observed while working lately that I found interesting. Is there something you dread about sewing currently or have you just gotten over dreading a particular task? I'm really curious about this...fill me in.