A Non-Quilted Tamarack for Spring

From time to time I get inquiries about making a non-quilted Tamarack Jacket, aka one without quilting or batting, and yes, it is 100% possible! I thought spring would be a great time to showcase this pattern variation as it's not only seasonally appropriate, but it's a great way to show off a fun print! For our sample we cropped the jacket about 3" by using the lengthen shorten line for 2" of the length reduction, and taking the remaining 1" off the bottom of the coat following the curved hem edge. All of the fabric and binding requirements are the same, minus the batting of course. Without the quilting you'll be surprised how quickly this jacket sews up! Now for how to make yours...
Spring Tamarack | Grainline Studio
Spring Tamarack | Grainline Studio
  1. Cut pieces out as normal. Skip steps 1-8 in the instruction booklet.
  2. Insert pockets in self fabric as instructed in the pattern booklet.
  3. After step 25 align the self and lining of each pattern piece with the right sides facing out and baste the two layers together within the seam allowances.
  4. Follow the instructions for the rest of the jacket.
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