Kollabora Scout Sewalong & Meet the Maker Interview
Have you guys seen the Scout Tee Sewalong that the rad and talented Wanett of Sown Brooklyn is doing with Kollabora? The first installment went up today and if that's any indication of how things are going to go this is going to be one good sewalong! I also happen to know that they've got some pretty great plans up their sleeves so get pumped. I'm going to be making a few knit ones myself, I have some fabric scheduled to arrive tomorrow...just in time. I'm also featured in the Meet the Maker blog segment this week so if you've always wanted to know my favorite and least favorite words, the first thing I do when I wake up, my DIY secret weapon, or my embarrassingly amazing karaoke talent head over there to check it out. I know these questions have just been keeping you all up at night, hahaha!