Hot Water Bottle Cozy

Grainline Studio | Hot Water Bottle Cozy

Grainline Studio | Hot Water Bottle Cozy

Grainline Studio | Hot Water Bottle Cozy

Well well well, I finally have a new finished project post. I actually finished this a few days (weeks) ago but was having a horrible time setting up photos of it. The thing about not having my own apartment yet is that taking photos in a setting that remotely resembles the tone I've established is pretty much impossible and I've got that pesky photo degree nagging at me every time I take photos that kind of suck. Good thing I've got a line on a really awesome apartment (fingers crossed)! Anyway, I've been meaning to make a cozy for this sucker for quite a while, I'm not ready to admit how long but there's a distinct possibility that it could be years, but really, who's counting. Meh.

I love how it turned out, the pattern is from Elly at Garment House and I'd definitely recommend it if you're in the market. It's simple with great classic styling and resembles something that you would find in my future cabin in the woods, meaning it hits all my style marks. I had a larger bottle than she did for the pattern so I cast on 60sts to start and followed her increases as written and it turned out the perfect size. For the pocket, instead of knitting the ribbing as directed, I knit a flat stockinet pocket and picked up for the ribbing so that it would be true ribbing. Also because my water bottle is bigger than hers I think it looks nicer to have a more substantial pocket. You can check out my Ravelry project page for more info on the pattern adjustments I made as well as yarn info.

I'm currently working on a zillion things that I can't post yet which is really frustrating but also exciting, just in case you've been wondering where I've gone to the past few weeks. I don't know if I've ever been so busy and it's pretty awesome. Go team!

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