Free Narwhal Ornament Pattern
Today's download is our first every holiday ornament, the Narwhal! We've seen many amazing versions over the years since we released this lil cutie and some amazing variations as well! Particularly memorable was a pod of Orcas whales made using this pattern!
You'll find the entire tutorial below. If you have any questions let us know in the comments below and have fun creating your own little Narwhal!
Supply List : Felt, scissors, needle + thread, marking pen / pencil, sequins, narwhal pattern and stuffing
Trace and cut your felt pieces.
Sew both sets of flippers together and turn right side out.
Sew top panel to both sides, one side at a time.
Baste flippers to the sides of the narwhal.
Attach bottom panel leaving about 2" open between the tail and flipper on one side.
Flip the narwhal right side out.
Sew your sequins onto the sides of the narwhal and add his eyes.
Stuff your narwhal and whip stitch the opening closed.
I forgot to take photos of assembling his tusk, but sew along the open edge, flip right side out, pad it with a little stuffing and whip stitch it onto his face. Add your string to hang him and you're all done!
A few bonus narwhal ideas...
1. My cat is obsessed with these things, like I cannot leave them out unattended or they will be gone in an instant so I made one out of regular quilt weight fabric and stuffed it with stuffing and catnip. She hauls it around the house in her mouth all the time now and it cracks me up.
2. Turn the Narwhal into an Orca. Omit the tusk and instead of two colors of grey felt, use black for the top and white for the bottom.