fall wardrobe part one | planning + illustrations
I've been seeing a lot of posts about people's wardrobes lately between Self Stitched September, the Colette Fall Palette Challenge, the 30 For 30 Remix and general autumn time posts and it's making me seriously jealous/bummed about my closet (and the fact that I either missed out or don't have enough clothes to participate in these things). You might think as a designer/patternmaker I would have a closet full of at least my collection items but true to the saying, the cobler's children have no shoes, I have hardly any clothes. In an attempt to remedy this I've put together some sketches of what I think I could really use/would really like in my closet this season. I used to make more things for myself and that has slowly faded away, so I'm hoping this cute little grouping of rectangle-legged, armless, headless ladies will help me get back into it!
Look 1 | woven t-shirt in Wiltshire Red Liberty Tana Lawn from a personal pattern, a denim mini-skirt in some sort of army green/grey fabric I found in one of my many boxes, also a personal pattern.
Look 2 | same woven t-shirt in navy lace I have yet to purchase, jeans that I will not make but instead possibly purchase depending on how they look on non-model sized people.
Look 3 | woven t-shirt again but with a pocket added on in red wool crepe (if the swatch I ordered isn't creepy), black jeans I already own.
Look 4 | pine green melton wool cape with welt pockets and tortoise shell buttons. Fake tortoise of course, do they even make real? Creepy. I bought this fabric randomly last year and never knew what to do with it till now...hopefully I bought enough!
Look 5 | grey wool toggle coat with a hood (!) and salmon + grey plaid flannel lining. I have the grey wool already but still need to get the lining. It will also be my first experience with toggles. These two items will come in handy because, besides my puffy coat which I save for the dead of winter, I'm sporting a 5 year old h&m number with holes where my elbows are jammed against my sides from the cold. I'm so stylish. Both these patterns are my own as well.
Look 6 | this dress is a pretty non-subtle copy of this $325 dress I cannot afford to buy. Totally scored some Liberty Tana Lawn in Black Edenham so the plan is to make the top from a bodice I have and pop two gathered tiers on the bottom for the skirt. I should save somewhere around $295.
Look 7 | this is my icelandic alafoss lopi sweater that I am terrified to finish. For some reason I cannot get myself to attempt the colorwork section, I am convinced it is going to fail and have totally psyched myself out. What is my deal?
Accessories | Here we have my golden cabled mittens that I REFUSE to give up on no matter how many times they trick me, the Herringbone Cowl from Purl Soho in all it's wooly glory and a pair of pretty generic thick woolen socks which I have yet to find the perfect pattern for. The knits will hopefully be accomplished while watching Downton Abbey, which I have never seen but have been ordered to watch by multiple parties. So, we'll see how it goes! I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't get everything done, I will probably be pretty pumped if I get half done! I do really really want to participate in a me-made-something-or-another at some point, it seems so fun and I want in! * I just realized that in typing my post first in Microsoft Word it autocorrected Downton Abbey into Downtown Abbey...whoops!! All fixed.