Cortland Trench Now Available In Sizes 14-32

fall wardrobe part four | golden cabled mittens

fall wardrobe part four | golden cabled mittens | grainline studiofall wardrobe part four | golden cabled mittens | grainline studio

fall wardrobe part four | golden cabled mittens | grainline studio

fall wardrobe part four | golden cabled mittens | grainline studio

VICTORY!!!! The golden cabled mittens are complete after many rounds of frustration. You may remember from this post entitled "the mittens from you know where" that they were giving me a serious hard time. Well I buckled down and got them done. I'm half embarrassed to tell you what happened to them. Part of the problem was, as Martha suggested, that I had unraveled the yarn so many times they were knitting up a bit differently and the other problem is that I was watching WAY too much Parks & Recreation while making these. I knit the last iteration of the second mitten at my desk with nothing to entertain me but a pen and paper to mark off rows and they turned out just fine. Yikes! I am definitely blaming Ron Swanson on this one.

Anyway now that they are finished I am super happy with them. I am pretty sure that mittens are my favorite things to knit and although I've now knit 5 or 6 pairs, I'm sure this won't be my last...I'm going to really try to get as excited about socks though. I could really use some new socks and this here pattern is just calling my name. Oh, and here's the ravelry page for these little mitten buddies.