doll party

doll party | grainline studio

doll party | grainline studio

doll party | grainline studio

Woah, I almost can't really believe that I'm actually posting something finished on here, it's been so long since that happened! I made this little doll for a friend's baby shower today which was a "High Tea Rager" themed party. Pretty amazing right? I know, I wish I would have thought of that idea for my next party too. We drank many varieties of tea, indulged in homemade baked goods and left with homemade apple butter. Seriously the best party ever.

doll party | grainline studio

doll party | grainline studio

Anyway, this little girl you may recognize as Olive from the Wee Wonderfuls' Make-A-Long Story. There have been so many variations of these little dolls made, I have been itching to make my own since the patterns came out. I'm pretty pumped with how this little lady turned out, in fact, it was pretty hard to wrap her up this morning. Luckily she's off to an awesome new home and ready to get gnawed on. Or thrown up on. Or whatever else babies do to dolls. But know this, she's preshrunk and ready for the challenge.

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