Archer Sew Along | Day 7 | Attaching the Yoke - Method 1

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Today I'm going to show you the first of two methods for attaching the yoke. This method is really straightforward and super easy. We're going to start by sewing the inside yoke piece to the shirt back. You're going to want the wrong side of the shirt facing the right side of the yoke piece, then baste together with a 1/4" seam allowance.

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Next we're going to attach the outer yoke piece. With the right sides of the yoke and shirt back facing stitch through all three layers. Grade seam allowances.

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Press both yokes up away from the shirt back and topstitch along the center back seam.

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Pin the center front pieces to the outer yoke with right sides together and stitch. You'll now have something that looks like this.

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Grade the yoke seam allowance and press seam towards yoke.

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Fold under the seam allowance of the inside yoke and press. When doing this, much like the button band, I like to make sure the folded edge overlaps the seam line by a hair so that when I stitch from the front it catches all layers neatly.

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Topstitch along the yoke seam you just folded to anchor down the inside yoke. I stitched at 1/16" but you can do whatever your comfortable with, just remember that you're also attaching the inside yoke so you don't want to go too far from the seam line.

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Archer Sew-Along: Yoke Method One

Stitch the two layers of the yoke together in the seam allowance along the neck and armhole edges and you're done! Stay tuned tomorrow for the other method for attaching your yoke.

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