Alder Shirtdress Version 2: Light Denim

Jen Beeman

Grainline Studio | Alder Shirtdress V2: Light Denim

Here we go with round two of awkward photos of me talking to Jon while getting my photo taken in an Alder dress! This View B of Alder is made out of the same denim as the dark denim version of View A, this 6.5 oz Robert Kauffman denim in Bleached Indigo Wash. I'm pretty into this color of denim for dresses and shirts so I'm really glad I could find it out there!

Grainline Studio | Alder Shirtdress V2: Light Denim

It was crazy windy the day we took photos so a photo of the dress hanging perfectly straight was not going to happen, but on the plus side you can see how the dress moves in the photos so perhaps it's not a bad thing?

Grainline Studio | Alder Shirtdress V2: Light Denim

Back gathers blowing in the wind!

Grainline Studio | Alder Shirtdress V2: Light Denim

And one last super dorky photo but I think the skirt looks great here.

Ha! As for the sew along, I'm in the middle of moving into a new studio space outside of my apartment so I'm hoping that I'm settled in enough to get started next Monday. I'll let you know towards the end of the week how things are looking though. It's funny how everything always happens at once. Release of a new pattern, new website, studio move, etc. PHEW! I also don't have internet set up at the new place yet so that combined with the increase in emails I've been getting means that my reply time is a little longer than usual at the moment. Soon things will be settled and getting back to normal and I cannot wait!

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