a small pouch a long time in the making
You are so going to laugh, but this pouch took me 3 years to complete. I know, it's really embarrassing. I have some pretty lame excuses, I was in school for some of that time, I lost the pouch in a back corner underneath my pattern table for some more of that time, but really I guess I was just lazy for most of that time. I found it cleaning out my studio after finishing my epic sewing extravaganza of spring/summer 2011 and decided to finish it up quick and get it off my conscience. Of course I had no cotton fabric to match any of the colors so I bound the edges in teal linen from the collection. It worked out pretty well and honestly took about an hour. So pathetic that I let it waste away for so long. The pattern is BurdaStyle Carolina from back when it was free. I guess I should get re-started on some other projects that I have wasting away in this apartment. I could write a pretty long post on those...