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A Plaid Flannel Archer

Grainline Studio | Plaid Flannel Archer | Photo by Julia Stotz

Welp, first up on the Archer Show & Tell Show is this plaid flannel version. If you know me in real life, you know I'm usually found wearing one of two things - a red plaid flannel button up shirt or a ratty grey zip up hoodie and if you're lucky (or if you follow my Instagram feed), both at once. Now we can add this blue plaid flannel button up shirt to that list, hell yes!

Grainline Studio | Plaid Flannel Archer | Photo by Julia Stotz

The fabric was a purchase from Mood many moons ago, perhaps at the store in NYC? I can't quite remember, but I've always had these plans for it. The flannel is 100% cotton and is so soft and getting softer with each wash, dream town USA dudes. Seriously I need to always have one eye out for a good quality flannel and stockpile that stuff. I've said before that my favorite graphic style looks like it came from The Field Museum, well apparently my favorite clothing style looks like it just walked out of the woods. I do spend a fair amount of time in the northwoods wandering around looking for animals, checking out marshes for new birds, and boating around looking for loons, muskrats, and secret inlets so, if the shoe fits, right? (You guys like all those commas? Someone needs to bust out the Chicago Manual of Style and freshen up.)

Grainline Studio | Plaid Flannel Archer | Photo by Julia Stotz

You can expect to see more of these plaid flannel Archers just as soon as I rassle up new fabrics for them. If you see any good plaids out there on the ol' internet let me know, though I probably should fancy things up a bit in my wardrobe. I'd also like to point out that my face is front and center in all these photos (I recently took a bit of a beating from multiple sources for not showing it much) though I did have to throw in this last schlumpy photo, just because, hahahaha! I'll be back tomorrow with another Archer...stay tuned.

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  • Archer Button Up Shirt 0 – 18
    Archer Button Up | Grainline Studio