a little new fabric
I've sort of psyched my self out of posting on here, it's been so long that I wasn't sure what on earth to post about. I was on such a roll and then things got in the way. I really don't want to stress out about this blog, I want it to be fun! I kept thinking, I don't have any new tutorials to post or garments I've made so I can't post at all. I used to post about other things, what happened to me? I have become a blog nut job. With that in mind I am going to try to relax and post about sewing but occasionally other things too, like I used to, because I do a lot more things than just sew all day every day. Well no, that's actually what I do, but I like to do other things too! For example, I went to a fat quarter sale with my mom last weekend and we each picked up some things for a few mini-projects we need to make. I couldn't resist the cat fabric in the middle! Though it was purchased with no plan at all in mind I'm now thinking of making a little flat bed for Roamy to lay on. That girl does love a flat bed for an afternoon nap. Okay, first post-break post done...PHEW!!! Now onto the next one...