2024 Make Nine
I've never participated in the Make Nine challenge before, but after seeing so many of you tag us in your Instagram posts I'm feeling inspired! The last few years have been less than stellar for me creatively but I'm finally getting it back and am excited to do more sewing both for work and for myself. I'm also excited to use up some of my fabric stash I accumulated when I was buying fabric but not sewing. So with that in mind, here are my 2024 Make Nine plans!
1. Grainline Myra Dress I have a flower print rayon from Blackbird Fabrics that I'd been saving for...years...and finally cut this past fall. Then I got sick and it never got sewn up. This is going to be my first project because to me, having something cut out, but not sewn, weighs on my soul in a very gross way.
2. Grainline Cortland Trench About 200 years ago I purchased some Rag & Bone water resistant cotton twill to make a trench coat. Since then we've released the Cortland Trench and the time is now to make this coat a reality before the fabric spontaneously combusts from frustration in my sewing closet.
3. Grainline Austin Dress This one will be made from a cotton/linen blend I also purchased many years ago to make a gathered skirt dress. As with the Cortland, we now have the Austin pattern so it must become that. The fabric has been pre-washed and pressed in my closet since June 2023 so lets get this dress made already!!
4. Paper Theory Olya Shirt I've had this pattern for a while now and have a few fabrics that would work well for it. Just need to do a lil muslin and then go to town. I love sewing shirts and I'm excited to finally try out this community fav!
5. Grainline Corin Top Really want to make a dress length version of View B for easy wearing at the cottage this upcoming summer. I love a lightweight dress I can throw on over a bathing suit up there and I really think this is gonna be a good one. Once again have multiple fabrics for the cause so I'll just need to decide.
6. Chalk & Notch Isle Jeans Let's not talk about my denim stash – it will be used here. The last few years of wide leg, elastic waist pants have not been my fav as a square bodied person. I feel like a walking rectangle, I don't have a waist to hold the elastic in one specific spot, and I don't love it. With that in mind I'm psyched to try out the flare version of the Isle jeans!
7. Paper Theory Block Tee I've been wanting to make this one for a while. It just looks fun to sew and again, have a bunch of fabric that would look great. Looks easy to wear as well which is a huge selling point for me.
8. Grainline Augusta Top I can't believe I haven't made this version yet because I had it in mind while designing the pattern, but I really want a white, drapey, rayon version. Have the fabric, never had the time I guess?
9. Papercut Pinnacle Top The summer before the pandemic I made this top and for some unknown reason, I didn't serge any of the seam allowances. Loved the top, absolutely didn't love my construction, and the thing has now fallen apart. Would love to recreate this top for summer and I'm obviously making the deep V version because as my friends know, I do love a good deep V neck!
So that's what I've got planned! Are you participating in Make Nine this year? If so, what are your plans? If not, what are your plans? Fill me in!