The Summer of Basics

The Summer of Basics | Grainline Studio

This morning Karen of Fringe Supply Co. posted something I'm really excited about on her blog, the Summer of Basics Make-Along! Essentially it's 1 garment a month for 3 months, June through August, with the goal of filling in basic wardrobe gaps. Garments can be knitted or sewn and only need to adhere to your own personal definition of "basics." We'll be sponsoring the #summerofbasics along with our friends at Fancy Tiger Crafts and Kelbourne Woolens so there will also be some fun related prizes.

I've been pondering my garments for the make-along and the above photo is what I have so far, though I'm sure I'll be switching this up a few times before June 1st! The first garment is another color-way of a sweater I've been working on recently, sorry no pattern to point you to, I've made this one up myself. I'm currently knitting it in Kelbourne's Luma in Blanca, but I'd really like to do a striped ivory and grey version as well if it turns out.

My second garment will be that white Archer I've been promising myself for YEARS that I've never gotten around to making. I'm toying with a straight hem on this one, slightly shorter than the original pattern. White silk would be ideal, but I'm still deciding on the fabric.

The third garment will definitely be our next printed pattern which is due out in early June so no photos on that one yet, but I've been wearing samples of it for a few months and it's true love. I cannot cannot wait to release it for you guys!

Head over to Fringe Association to read Karen's synopsis of the #summerofbasics make-along and let me know, what are you thinking of making?

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