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Tamarack: Cutting your Jacket

The Tamarack doesn't have a lot of pieces, but you do cut a lot of the few there are. Because of that we wanted to do a quick post running through everything you'll need to cut.


Shell: You'll need 2 fronts, 1 back, and 2 sleeves for the shell of your jacket. If you're using pre-quilted fabric you will not need to cut any additional body pieces.

Lining: To line the jacket you'll need an additional 2 fronts, 1 back, and 2 sleeves. In this example we're using different fabrics for the shell and lining, but if you're using the same fabric for both layers just cut another set of pieces.

Pockets: You'll need 2 upper pockets, 2 lower pockets, 2 welts, and 2 welt interfacing pieces to complete your Tamarack. For our example we cut our pocket pieces from the lining fabric since they'll be on the inside of the coat. Our welts we cut from the shell fabric since they'll be out the outside of the coat.

Batting: For the batting you can do one of two things. First, you can lay your pattern pieces onto the batting and cut just like you would for any other pattern piece. What I usually do is lay the shell onto the batting and cut around it. The reason I like to do this is that I can make sure that the batting is exactly the same size as the shell pieces. Occasionally things shift while cutting and this way I know exactly what I'm getting.

Bias Binding: If you're making your own bias binding you'll also need to cut that. I'm not going to cover that now since we have a whole post dedicated to binding the jacket. The only thing you'll need to take into account now is if you're using your shell fabric for the binding you'll want to reserve about a half yard for that.

I'd planned on talking about quilting your pieces in the same post but to avoid things getting too long and to keep this in easily digestible chunks that's it for today!

Tamarack: Cutting Your Jacket | Grainline Studio

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