Cortland Trench Now Available In Sizes 14-32

Thinking about Featured Projects

Thinking about Featured Projects | Grainline Studio

[I had no image for this post so enjoy this one of Sister under my sewing machine]

I’ve been thinking lately that I’d really like to start a segment here about the projects people make that are either made from my patterns or inspired by a project I’ve made here on the blog. I feel like I come across these amazing garments and I just get so excited and inspired by them and I would love to share them here. I’ve been trying to come up with a list of questions that would be with each feature but that part is a bit harder than I thought it would be. So far I have the basics, name / blog / pattern or project / fabric / project thoughts but I wanted to ask, is there something you guys really like to know about a project? Also if you’ve made one of my patterns, altered one of the patterns into something else or sewn a project inspired by something on the blog, let me know. I’ve got one feature lined up (as soon as I finish up my questions list) and some people to email from the flickr group but I need to start the search for more!