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the coldest spring + iceland revisited

the coldest spring + iceland revisited | grainline studio

It's been unbelievably dreary here in Chicago lately, we're actually in the midst of our cloudiest April on record with only about 30% of our possible sunshine, cool temperatures and rain constantly.  All this weather has had me thinking a lot about my Iceland trip, mostly wanting to go back.  I realized that I never posted any film photos of the trip so here are a few of my favorites.

the coldest spring + iceland revisited | grainline studio

the coldest spring + iceland revisited | grainline studio

the coldest spring + iceland revisited | grainline studio

Above photos taken with my Cannon AE-1

the coldest spring + iceland revisited | grainline studio

the coldest spring + iceland revisited | grainline studio

the coldest spring + iceland revisited | grainline studio

Blue Lagoon photos taken with a Kodak waterproof camera.

I've never been so ready for some spring-like weather.  Really this entire month of April has been not unlike other year's Marches.  It's hard to believe that we are less than one week from May and I wore my puffy coat and rain boots to work today.  There are no leaves on the trees really, mostly buds and a few trees that were tricked by two or three 70+ days into flowering early.  The poor magnolia trees at my parent's house always fall for the first warm day, they never learn.