Our Updated Website!


You may or may not have noticed, but we recently updated our website! We didn't make any branding changes, so at first glance, it may not have even been noticeable. One of our goals was to retain the original look and feel while updating the functionality. Our website contains nine years of sewing related content, from tutorials to sew-alongs, and it was moving pretty slowly.

We wanted to increase the speed the of the site, but more than anything we wanted to improve your ability to find the tutorials, products, or information you're looking for to allow you to get back to what you're ultimately after- sewing! 

We're excited to highlight the new features and functions we think are worth mentioning. Keep reading to get oriented!

The Home Page


The home page of our website should look the most familiar. There is access to our patterns, an overview of the most popular patterns, and a selection of blog posts. 

Website Navigation

Our drop down navigation bar is where you'll notice the most changes! We've added a product category menu that allows you to search by garment type, fabric type, or pattern format. If you want to see all of our products, you can still click see all of the patterns we offer. 

If you're interested in purchasing a friend or family member a gift card you also can easily access them from this drop down menu.

If you have a general question or are trying to find our size chart that information, and more, can be accessed by clicking into our Help drop down menu.

We'll be covering the Learn and Blog pages in more detail below, but you can also use the navigation bar to access those pages, to read up about the company, and to access your account which is where your oder history lives.  

Product Pages

When you click into our Pattern Shop there are no longer duplicate listings for the PDF and Paper versions of the pattern. We still have both options available, but you can now access them in one place. We think this allows you to clearly see the patterns we have available with less clutter and confusion.

Our individual pattern product pages now allow us to display more images of the pattern to the left hand side, so that you can see the different views and variations of the patterns as well as how they look sewn up in different fabrics.

The individual pattern product page is also where you can choose the format of the pattern you're purchasing. Click the 'Choose Format' box to select which option you want!

In addition to being able to scroll down to read through the pattern details you can easily access those by clicking an option under the section labeled Jump To.

This will immediately take you to the section of information you're looking for without having to scroll down or click on other pages.

The Learn Page

The Learning Center is the dedicated access point to our sew-alongs, sewing tutorials, and pattern tutorials. While all of these posts featured here can be accessed through the Blog or search bar we wanted to make them easy to find and search through. We'll periodically change the posts that are featured, but you can always access the entire archive or sewing tutorials or pattern tutorials by clicking the View More buttons.

If you click the View All Sew-Alongs button you'll be able to quickly see what patterns we have sew-alongs for. Our sew-alongs pages contain clear instructions and photos meant to supplement the pattern instruction booklet. 


If you click through to a specific sew-along you'll see a list of posts related to the pattern in addition to the instructions. We discuss pattern inspiration, fabric choices, supplies, and pattern adjustments!

At the very bottom of each sew-along page you can also find a collation of pattern variation tutorials related to the specific pattern's sew-along page that you're on. This way you can envision the full potential of the pattern!

The Blog


All of the posts we make, regardless of whether they're part of a sew-along or pattern tutorial, will always be accessible through the blog. The page features the most recent posts at the top, and you can scroll down to see our past posts. If you're looking for a particular post you can always search for it using the search icon in the top right section of the navigation bar.

Account Page

The account page allows you to access your Grainline account. If you previously or currently have an account with us you should have received a customer account activation email announcing the launch of our new website. The email also contained instructions and a link to activate your account. 

Once you get logged in, you're able to access your Order History or edit account details like your shipping address. 

We think that covers everything related to the new site! If you have any questions please let us know in the comments below!