Poppy Dress Printed Patterns are Now Available!

Me Made May | Archer Roundup

We are in the midst of Me Made May. A sewing challenge created by Zoe Edwards in 2010. Participants pledge to wear a handmade item everyday during the month of May. It's so great to see what everyone is making with Grainline patterns this year! These are our favorite Archer Button Ups that we found on Instagram. We are going to be doing Me Made May Instagram round ups in the newt couple of weeks. So remember to hashtag! #grainlinestudio #memademay #MMMay2017

Me Made May | Archer Roundup | Grainline Studio  

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Mentioned Products

  • Archer Button Up Shirt 0 – 18
    Archer Button Up | Grainline Studio