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Join me for an Archer Retreat in Maine!

Grainline Studio Archer Retreat at A Gathering of Stitches

I'm really excited to announce one of my retreats for 2016, the Archer & Shirt Styling intensive at A Gathering of Stitches in Portland, Maine from Wednesday June 8th - Sunday June 12th!

Shirt making can be overwhelming to many but during this multi-day class we'll tackle all aspects, starting with View A of the Archer pattern, then delving into its variations (short sleeve, sleeveless, etc.) and, depending on how time flies and how adventurous you are, moving onto the Alder!

We'll start in the evening on Wednesday June 8th with a pizza meet & greet, then Thursday, Friday and Saturday we're sewing shirts all day! Since this is a small class with three full days of teaching & making, that means there's plenty of time to really absorb the material. You'll be a shirt making pro in no time. It's an instructor's (and student's if you ask me!) dream come true!

I'm so excited to hang out with you guys and make shirts in beautiful Maine. The Archer is still one of my favorites after all this time, and you know, button up shirts are pretty much going to be in style till the end of time. I hope you'll join me, I'm really looking forward to it, and to potential Puffin sightings! Signup starts on Febuary 8th at 12 noon EST, so mark you calendars, space is limited to only 10 students to keep things intimate and maximize learning.

You can read more (and sign up when the time comes) at A Gathering of Stitches!

Mentioned Products

  • Archer Button Up Shirt 0 – 18
    Archer Button Up | Grainline Studio