Jen's 2015 Year End Sewing Review
I love the end of the year, partially because I enjoy reflecting on what happened over the past 12 months, but also because I get really excited about making plans and goals for the upcoming year. I did a TON of sewing this year, we put out a record 5 patterns in one year around here, but that meant that my personal sewing was a lighter than usual. And that my blogging of personal garments was nearly non-existent. With that said, here are the 4 garments I made for myself (meaning they weren't part of another tutorial or pattern release) that ended up on the blog.
Pattern: Watson Bra
Denim Moss & Penny Raglan Original Post
Patterns: Moss Skirt & Penny Raglan
All Season Alder Original Post
Pattern: Alder Shirtdress
I did a pretty mediocre job recording garments on Instagram this year, but two of my favorites that got a lot of wear did end up there. The first dress is my Alder / Archer mashup that I made for Jon's sister's wedding in May. I got the hot idea 24 hours before the wedding that I needed a new dress. The dress was cut before class, sewn during my student's final exam, and worn the next day. Perks of teaching in a room full of industrial machines! The second is a modal jersey coverup I made for being up at the cottage. I needed something light that doesn't cling, but also covers my arms because if there's one thing I HATE it's getting sunburned in a boat, but I love being in boats! Anyway this cover up was a huge hit.
One of my goals for next year is to record more of the things I make myself. I'm just starting to work with a good friend who's an amazing photographer to help me take blog photos. Our first collaboration was in this post, and we've got more planned, which I'm super excited about. I just bought an iPhone tripod & remote so I'm hoping to at least Instagram more of the garments I make myself next year if they don't make it to the blog. How was your year in sewing? Have you already started planning for 2016?