Cortland Trench Now Available In Sizes 14-32

Holiday Hours and Free Ornament Patterns

Free Owl Ornament Pattern | Grainline Studio

The Holidays are upon us and we'll be closing up shop here at Grainline so Lexi, Jon and I can have a bit of a break and spend time with friends and family. Our last day of work will be this Friday, December 20th and we'll return back to the office on Monday, January 7th, 2019! We'll be shipping periodically during this time so if you place an order your patterns will go out, but we won't have our usual Monday - Friday shipping schedule. I think that'll be pretty hard for Jon because if there's one thing he loves it's getting your patterns out ASAP but I'm going to try to get him to take a break.

Free Narwhal Ornament | Grainline Studio

If you're looking for a last minute holiday project, don't forget we've got these two cutie free ornament patterns up on our site! They're a great quick gift for friends and family, or a fun project to do with friends and family! We made ours out of wool felt, but any fabric scraps you have on hand will work just fine. If you don't have sequins on hand, try French knots and embroidery floss! The options are endless and I've been seeing some super cute ones pop up on Instagram this past week.

Grab the Narwhal Ornament here and the Snowy Owl Ornament here!

Free Narwhal Ornament Pattern | Grainline Studio
Free Owl Ornament Pattern | Grainline Studio