fall wardrobe part five | edenham dress
I'm back...and with a finished dress! I am ever so creatively calling this the Liberty Edenham Dress (named for the fabric) because I am all named out at the current moment. I actually finished this dress a little over a week ago but had to wait to post because it's this week's Featured Project on BurdaStyle. You can head over there to read a bit more about my inspiration on making the dress and check out the pattern and instruction tutorial to turn the pattern into this dress.
We did the photos last time I was at the cabin with my dad behind the camera and my Mom playing stylist. It was pretty windy so they had a big job. The funniest thing was when we were starting out, my dad said "Oh I'm not a photographer" and the next thing I know he's got me in a zillion different places telling me to stop slouching and getting me props (for my awkward arms). Pretty great. Anyway the shoot was a lot of fun, probably the best part, and the dress is already in pretty heavy rotation. Yes!