Cortland Trench Now Available In Sizes 14-32

Don't Forget to Vote Today!

Don’t Forget to Vote Today! | Grainline Studio

If you're in the United States don't forget that today's the day to vote in the Midterm Elections! I know it's unrelated to sewing, but I really believe it's one of our most important duties and privileges as citizens and I make sure to never miss an election. Midterms may not be as exciting as a Presidential election but they're no less important, especially as you're voting on many state and local positions that have the ability to more quickly and directly affect you. I actually early voted last weekend, I'm not sure why but I always early vote for the midterms.

If you’re not sure where your polling place is, you can look it up using your address in the box below. In addition to your polling place it brings up every canidate running on your ballet in every position in case you need to do a little last minute research before you get to the polls. (If you can't see the box below - you need to be on a computer for the script to run- you can find your polling place via Google here)

Happy Voting!!!