Best of 2015: Most Popular Posts
Earlier this year we moved to a larger studio which helped productivity so much! I gave a little photo tour earlier this summer which you can see here.
This post where I reviewed a few hats I made was one of the most commented of the year - mostly because it seems like we all met the same fate with our Purl Boyfriend Hats. It was an interesting post for me because so many people had the same problem and we all identified with making something that turned out to be a huge flop. Sometimes it can be just as nice to post something that didn't work out as something that did!
There were two clear topic winners, the first being wardrobe planning, you guys love it and so do I! It's just so fun, thinking about the potential for a piece of fabric or pattern, drawing up plans, etc. Below are your favorite wardrobe planning posts from 2015.
Another theme that was popular over round these parts was me rambling about making things in relation to wardrobe posts. The first post is one that was posted at the end of last year but continues to make the rounds and gather comments still, and it's one that I almost didn't publish. The rest were easier for me but still felt odd due to the rambling nature of them. Maybe I'm not the only person struggling for words to describe what I'm doing some of the time though.
My Handmade Wardrobe Evolution
Blog Goals: Posting Finished Projects