Archer Appreciation & Pattern Review
A little bit of housekeeping here, just wanted to drop in and say that I'll be posting the Archers made during Archer Appreciation Month on Friday the 10th so if you haven't uploaded yours to the Flickr group yet, you still have a little time. There are some amazing Archers popping up in there!
Also it was brought to my attention that both the Archer and Scout are in a Most Reviewed / 10 Best Patterns of 2013 round up vote on I don't know if you guys use that site, but if you do and you're up for a vote, stop by and vote for Grainline Studio! We're up against some awesome patterns (By Hand London's Anna, give that one a vote too while you're at it!) so it would be cool to make it to the 10 Best of 2013 list! Here's the link to vote if you're so inclined!
See you guys Monday with a fun little IKEA serger table hack I did this week. I'm just way too proud of myself on this one...oh boy...