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Alder Sew Along Announcement

Grainline Studio | Alder Sew Along Announcement Are you guys ready for the Alder Shirtdress Sew Along? Well get ready because it'll be starting up next week! We'll be starting on Wednesday and I have plenty of tips and variations planned. I'll also be covering how to choose your size, a lot of people seem to be sewing based on the size they used for the Archer pattern, which isn't the same bodice, and also the "hotly debated" question of why I didn't include sleeves on this pattern. Grainline Studio | Alder Sew Along Announcement I've also got a bunch of variations planned for you guys. Originally I just had this v-neck planned but got a lot of requests for the mandarin collar so I'm throwing that one in the mix as well. Grainline Studio | Alder Sew Along Announcement I'll also be making both Views A and B into tops. I really like this pattern for the sleeveless button up because of the fact that it is drafted specifically to be sleeveless. While I know you can make the Archer sleeveless it's never quite the same as a pattern that is actually drafted to be sleeveless. Same with Grainline Studio | Alder Sew Along Announcement And on that note I'll also be showing you how to make an Archer / Alder hybrid dress. This one's will take a small bit more pattern work than the others but we'll make it through alive, don't worry! So that's that! I'll be covering all the construction basics of View A & B along with a bit of fitting advice as well as the pattern adjustments and sewing steps necessary to make all of the Variations. If there's something specific you'd like me to consider touching on let me know in the comments below. The dress is rated intermediate so it will be helpful to have a bit of garment sewing under your belt when tackling this, mainly because of the collar stand and skirt pivot on View B. Now I need to go finish unpacking my studio so we're ready to go Wednesday! I'll be back with an Alder Sew Along Badge sometime between now and then and if you still need the Alder Shirtdress Pattern, you can grab it here!* *more paper patterns are currently being printed but likely won't be available until late August.

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  • Alder Shirtdress 0 – 18
    Alder Shirtdress | Grainline Studio