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Best Laid Plans, Foiled

Best Laid Plans, Foiled | Grainline Studio

I didn't get a lot of non-pattern development sewing done this winter, it's not that I didn't have ideas, plans, or fabric, just a lack of time. I went through some fabric I had earmarked for some fall / winter garments and couldn't help feeling a little bummed out about all the garments I was going to make that I didn't get around to.

Best Laid Plans, Foiled | Grainline Studio

It wasn't limited to sewing either, I started a sweater on January 1st that I'm still knitting. I had hoped this would be a quick knit that I could get some wear out of before spring rolled around but it's turned into a bit of a beast. Mostly that's my own fault, I'm knitting it based off the Hemlock Tee and got about 3/4 of the way done when I decided I was knitting too tight of a fabric. Knowing that I won't wear things that aren't exactly how I want them I took the whole thing out and started over. Ripping out the first time was a bit of an emotional experience but now that I've done it once it's actually been a lot more fun to knit (and rip, if needed).

The problem with not being able to make anything unrelated to pattern development is that I've been feeling a bit uncreative lately. Usually making things for myself is where I experiment and get ideas for new patterns. I'm hoping to institute at least a half day of fun sewing a week to keep myself on track mentally + creatively. Do any of you have a sewing schedule you like to stick to to keep yourself motivated? Also, Me Made May is rapidly approaching so I definitely need to get myself in gear. Are you thinking of participating this year? I'd like to but there's lots of sewing to be done first...