pattern variation | natasha of all dressed up...

pattern variation | natasha of all dressed up… | Grainline Studio

pattern variation | natasha of all dressed up… | Grainline Studio

pattern variation | natasha of all dressed up… | Grainline Studio

I don't know if you've seen this awesome dress by Natasha of All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go yet, but if not you've been missing out! When I saw the photos on her blog I was totally in love and somehow it didn't dawn on me that it was a version of the Tiny Pocket Tank dress variation until I started reading. Adding the drawstring is such a clever idea and the print is so perfect! I love Natasha's blog, it's one of my favorite reads. She's really good at fabric / pattern pairing and has a serious eye for second hand fabric purchases. I would never have been lucky enough to find this fabric! She also never hesitates to dive in and dye a bunch of fabric for a project, change up any pattern, or experiment with new techniques and that is something I totally admire. It's so fun to see how people interpret and change the patterns to make them their own, definitely the best part about making these patterns for sure. Head over to Natasha's blog to see more about the dress and all her other totally awesome projects!

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