Cortland Trench Now Available In Sizes 14-32

my own fayne

my own fayne | grainline studio

So I finally made myself a Fayne tunic, and I am so happy about it! I didn't have anything from my line in my size and I felt that was just plain wrong. Haha. I had made the Helen top and the Hannah Camp Shirt in different fabrics, but this is the first thing in the proper fabric. My necklace is lulu, which my friends Stephen and Jessica make when they're not busy with their art. It feels good to go out wearing things you and your friends have made, I'm lucky to have a lot of very talented friends, actually almost all my friends are artists which is great for mid-week mid-day picnic adventures. Haha. I'll be debuting my Fayne tonight at the University of Illinois Graphic Design show (Luke teaches at UIUC so we've got to represent) and then heading over to my friend Kat's house for the first installment of her Saturday Cinema film series. Party times!