Poppy Dress Printed Patterns are Now Available!

Field Bag Sew-Along: Day 2 – Assembling your PDF Pattern

Day 2 of the Field Bag Sew-Along is now live! In this lesson we'll be walking you through the process of downloading and printing your PDF pattern. After that I'll show you how I like to assemble my tiled pages. This method is what I've found easiest over the years, but if you have a method you prefer to use, feel free to use that! 

If you purchased the paper version of the pattern or had your PDF printed at a copy shop you can skip this lesson. It was important for us to include it though being that I know that a lot of you haven't worked with PDFs much, coming over to us from Fringe Supply's newsletter and social media.

As always, if you have any questions let us know in the comments below or over on our YouTube channel!

Mentioned Products

  • Field Bag
    Field Bag
  • Stowe Bag